[debian] phonfsod/phoneuid: fso-deviced killed when calling

Sebastian Reichel elektranox at gmail.com
Sun Feb 21 20:13:38 CET 2010

On Sun, Feb 21, 2010 at 07:21:19PM +0100, arne anka wrote:
> investigating my core issue of the fr not suspending anymore after a call,  
> i see now that fsodeviced dies the moment i hit either "call" (outgoing)  
> or "accept" (incoming).
> since fso-deviced is dead, nothing, in terms of idle notification at  
> least, happens anymore.
> i try to track it down, but if anyone could point out, where it and what  
> happens (and how to track efficiently -- i surely miss something like  
> java's stacktraces or even python's exceptions) ...

you can do it like this:

 $ ulimit -c unlimited
 $ my-program
 program died with segfault (core dumped)
 $ gdb my-program core
 % bt

-- Sebastian
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