[debian] phonfsod/phoneuid: fso-deviced killed when calling

arne anka openmoko at ginguppin.de
Sun Feb 21 20:37:58 CET 2010

ok, third:
since it has something to do with alsa_router, i checked th config files  
and found in fsodeviced.conf

# Which Audio Player variant plugin to use: none (default), alsa,  
canberra, gstreamer
player_type = alsa
# Which Audio Router variant plugin to use: none (default), alsa
router_type = alsa

replacing "alsa" with "none" lets fsodeviced survive.

- what do these options do?
- what's the difference between als and none?
- i guess some checking is necessary instead of relaying on whatever.

in my frameowrkd.conf, there's a section (disabled by me)

# set 1 to disable a module
disable = 1
# set directory where the alsa audio scenarios are stored
scenario_dir = /usr/share/openmoko/scenarios
# set default scenario loaded at startup
default_scenario = stereoout

where scenario_dir and default_scenario are defined, none of the two do i  
find in fsodeviced.conf.
is that somewhat related and where should i set at least the default  
scenario (while i am at it)?

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