SHR Stable Party

rakshat hooja rakshat at
Wed Feb 24 09:15:41 CET 2010

I have near zero graphic skills but I have modified a place holder logo for
the SHR Party page

This is only there till someone can provide a better logo.


On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 12:56 AM, rakshat hooja <rakshat at> wrote:

> As we build up to the SHR Stable renaming of SHR Testing and (hopefully) a
> number of SHR Stable parties across the world, I have been thinking about
> what all we can do to create more awareness about SHR (and FSO) among
> embeded developers as well as users. Three ideas have come to me (as in
> within the last miniute so please excuse if they are not developed properly)
> 1) We need to create press releases that we can emai/ mail/ fax to our
> local (or global for that matter) tech media outlets. Actually I am thinking
> of 2 sets of press releases. One for the various developer communities who
> may be interested and one for the general public focuses media. The general
> public press release needs to give an idea of what SHR is, what it is trying
> to acheive,its benifits and usefullness etc with screen shots. The community
> announcement can be more technical and also acknowledge the core developers
> (if they agree). I see these going out to the tech editor of your local
> newspaper, tech blogging sites, news agencies, maybe some companies too
> along with the big tech news websites. If we all send these out in our own
> regions we may get some coverage
> 2) This weekend I am going to make a questionnaire for the SHR core team
> asking questions about the history of SHR (how it came to be, who were the
> key people in the begining etc), who all are working on it currently and
> what all are they contributing, what technologies and toolkits SHR uses and
> supports, Why SHR should be used, What are the future plans and new targeted
> platforms, What help do they need, What contributions the community can make
> etc. I will post the questionnaire on these mailing lists and maybe the
> SHR-devloper list too. Once the answers are there maybe some of you with
> bolgs can edit and make an article for your blogs/ for sending to magazines
> for publication.
> 3) If someone can make a small SHR user logo, the SHR  users can put it on
> their blogs/ websites.
> Please send feedback and more ideas.
> Rakshat
> PS - Also add your names for the various SHR Stable parties
> On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 11:53 PM, rakshat hooja <rakshat at> wrote:
>> As promised I  have put together a very basic framework of the SHR Stable
>> release party planning page
>> Please go through it and add your information/ improve it/ send feedback.
>> Currently it is only linked from the SHR page on the OM wiki
>> Please let me know the other places it should be linked from (main SHR
>> wiki?)
>> Rakshat
>> --
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> Please use Firefox as your web browser. Its protects you from spyware and
> is also a very feature rich browser.

Please use Firefox as your web browser. Its protects you from spyware and is
also a very feature rich browser.
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