June 2010 Archives by author
Starting: Tue Jun 1 01:42:21 CEST 2010
Ending: Wed Jun 30 23:38:38 CEST 2010
Messages: 308
- ANN: Freerunner Navigation Board v2
Tim Abell
- T-mobile even more plus
Jim Ancona
- [wikireader] Project Gutenberg (again)
Tom Bachmann
- [wikireader] Project Gutenberg (again)
Tom Bachmann
- [wikireader] Project Gutenberg (again)
Tom Bachmann
- [wikireader] Project Gutenberg (again)
Tom Bachmann
- AW: AW: Surveying community expectations on openmoko governance
David Garabana Barro
- [Shr-Devel] [Shr-User] New SHR-unstable images with 2.6.32 kernel
David Garabana Barro
- [qtmoko] v24 & importing contacts
David Garabana Barro
- tangoGPS 0.99.4 - now more sports fun, revive your Freerunner
Marcus Bauer
- [ANN] Community Updates 2010-06-01 released!
Patryk Benderz
- HTC patent application for Joerg's Y-cable?
Patryk Benderz
- [qtmoko v24] terminal-only after flashing
Patryk Benderz
- [qtmoko v24] terminal-only after flashing
Patryk Benderz
- sd performance tests, bonnie++ with different filesystems.
Patryk Benderz
- New SHR-unstable images with 2.6.32 kernel
Patryk Benderz
- New SHR-unstable images with 2.6.32 kernel
Vladimir Berezenko
- MC Navi 0.2.10 released
Mike Crash
- MC Navi 0.2.10 released
Mike Crash
- MC Navi 0.2.10 released
Mike Crash
- cpu reclocking to 500Mhz, overclocking to 533Mhz, performance tests and bootloader images
Xavier Cremaschi
- SAMSUNG - possible project - help needed
Xavier Cremaschi
- HTC patent application for Joerg's Y-cable?
Jose Luis Perez Diez
- MC Navi 0.2.10 released
Russell Dwiggins
- [gta02-core] Openmoko Beagle Hybrid
Joerg Eesmann
- iPhone 4 display for Openmoko?
Brolin Empey
- iPhone 4 display for Openmoko?
Brolin Empey
- [QtMoko] FR dying unexpectedly?
Brolin Empey
- [QtMoko] handset is (almost) unusable for voice calls with background noise
Brolin Empey
- [QtMoko] handset is (almost) unusable for voice calls with background noise
Brolin Empey
- QtMoko v24 for GTA01
Paul Fertser
- Neo 1973 - new battery?
Paul Fertser
- Neo 1973 - new battery?
Paul Fertser
- parts for the buzzfix
Paul Fertser
- parts for the buzzfix
Paul Fertser
- parts for the buzzfix
Paul Fertser
- qi boot into third partition
Peter Fey
- MC Navi 0.2.10 released
Thomas Franck
- parts for the buzzfix
Klaus Fuerth
- QtMoko v24
- QtMoko v24
- QtMoko v24
- QtMoko v24
Aditya Gandhi
- QtMoko v24
Aditya Gandhi
- [qtmoko] v24 & importing contacts
Nashvin Gangaram
- [qtmoko] v24 & importing contacts
Nashvin Gangaram
- [gta02-core] Openmoko Beagle Hybrid
Gay, John (GE Energy Services, Non-GE)
- QtMoko v24
- QtMoko v24
- QtMoko v24
- [qtmoko] roadmap for v22 and later
- FreeRunner for Sale
Max Giesbert
- parts for the buzzfix
Jan Girlich
- iPhone 4G display for Openmoko?
Thomas Gstädtner
- Openmoko Beagle Hybrid
- QtMoko v24
- HackerSpace Lille(Fr) Support-Needed-Party
- parts for the buzzfix
- [gta02-core] Openmoko Beagle Hybrid
- [gta02-core] Openmoko Beagle Hybrid
- opkg.org virus?
- New SHR-unstable images with 2.6.32 kernel
- New SHR-unstable images with 2.6.32 kernel
- fails to call from contacts if phone# contains any non-number?
Yaroslav Halchenko
- Patch for libphone-ui [was: fails to call from contacts if phone# contains any non-number?]
Yaroslav Halchenko
- MC Navi 0.2.10 released
Yaroslav Halchenko
- MC Navi 0.2.10 released
Yaroslav Halchenko
- Patch for libphone-ui [was: fails to call from contacts if phone # contains any non-number?]
Yaroslav Halchenko
- Freerunner for sale
Niall Haslam
- QtMoko v24
Russell Hay
- [QtMoko] handset is (almost) unusable for voice calls with background noise
Russell Hay
- [WikiReader] Announcing wrdk
Michael Hope
- QtMoko v24 for GTA01
Torfinn Ingolfsen
- Neo 1973 - how to figure out if the battery is broken?
Torfinn Ingolfsen
- Neo 1973 - how to figure out if the battery is broken?
Torfinn Ingolfsen
- QtMoko v24 for GTA01
Torfinn Ingolfsen
- QtMoko v24 for GTA01
Torfinn Ingolfsen
- QtMoko v24 for GTA01
Torfinn Ingolfsen
- Neo 1973 - how to figure out if the battery is broken?
Torfinn Ingolfsen
- Neo 1973 - new battery?
Torfinn Ingolfsen
- Neo 1973 - new battery?
Torfinn Ingolfsen
- iPhone 4G display for Openmoko?
Raphaël Jacquot
- opkg.org virus?
- [Shr-User] New SHR-unstable images with 2.6.32 kernel
- FoxtrotGPS 0.99.4 available (also: looking forward...)
Martin Jansa
- shr in qemu
Martin Jansa
- sd performance tests, bonnie++ with different filesystems.
Martin Jansa
- sd performance tests, bonnie++ with different filesystems.
Martin Jansa
- New SHR-unstable images with 2.6.32 kernel
Martin Jansa
- [Shr-Devel] New SHR-unstable images with 2.6.32 kernel
Martin Jansa
- New SHR-unstable images with 2.6.32 kernel
Martin Jansa
- New SHR-unstable images with 2.6.32 kernel
Martin Jansa
- [Shr-Devel] [Shr-User] New SHR-unstable images with 2.6.32 kernel
Martin Jansa
- MC Navi 0.2.10 released
Martin Jansa
- HTC patent application for Joerg's Y-cable?
Al Johnson
- HTC patent application for Joerg's Y-cable?
Al Johnson
- parts for the buzzfix
Al Johnson
- [gta02-core] Openmoko Beagle Hybrid
Al Johnson
- ANN: Freerunner Navigation Board v2
Al Johnson
- Call noise on buzz-fixed freerunner with Qtmoko
Al Johnson
- Call noise on buzz-fixed freerunner with Qtmoko
Al Johnson
- sd performance tests, bonnie++ with different filesystems.
Al Johnson
- QtMoko v24
Denis Johnson
- QtMoko v24
Denis Johnson
- [QtMoko] FR dying unexpectedly?
Denis Johnson
- Neo 1973 - new battery?
Ed Kapitein
- opkg.org virus?
Ed Kapitein
- Gprs sent and receive random byte. WHY?
Ed Kapitein
- Gprs sent and receive random byte. WHY?
Ed Kapitein
- T-mobile even more plus
Ed Kapitein
- T-mobile even more plus
Ed Kapitein
- T-mobile even more plus
Ed Kapitein
- fsck for jffs2
Yoric Kotchukov
- fsck for jffs2
Yoric Kotchukov
- [qtmoko] roadmap for v22 and later
Yoric Kotchukov
- Questions about the cpu to glamo bus and the framebuffer
Rashid Kratou
- Idea for an optimized Emulator
Rashid Kratou
- sd performance tests, bonnie++ with different filesystems.
Sebastian Krzyszkowiak
- sd performance tests, bonnie++ with different filesystems.
Gennady Kupava
- sd performance tests, bonnie++ with different filesystems.
Gennady Kupava
- sd performance tests, bonnie++ with different filesystems.
Gennady Kupava
- cpu reclocking to 500Mhz, overclocking to 533Mhz, performance tests and bootloader images
Gennady Kupava
- Profiling on openmoko (or ARM generally)
Gennady Kupava
- Profiling on openmoko (or ARM generally)
Gennady Kupava
- [qtmoko] v24 & importing contacts
Gennady Kupava
- [qtmoko] v24 & importing contacts
Risto H. Kurppa
- [qtmoko] v24 & importing contacts
Risto H. Kurppa
- AW: AW: Surveying community expectations on openmoko governance
Jörg König
- Gprs sent and receive random byte. WHY?
David Lanzendörfer
- Gprs sent and receive random byte. WHY?
David Lanzendörfer
- Gprs sent and receive random byte. WHY?
David Lanzendörfer
- [gta02-core] Openmoko Beagle Hybrid
David Lanzendörfer
- SAMSUNG - possible project - help needed
David Lanzendörfer
- Openmoko on LinuxTag, Berlin
Michael 'Mickey' Lauer
- libmokoui2
Michael 'Mickey' Lauer
- FoxtrotGPS 0.99.4 available (also: looking forward...)
Michael 'Mickey' Lauer
- T-mobile even more plus
Alexander Lehner
- QtMoko v24
- QtMoko v24
- fsck for jffs2
Timo Juhani Lindfors
- QtMoko v24
Timo Juhani Lindfors
- Neo 1973 - how to figure out if the battery is broken?
Timo Juhani Lindfors
- Neo 1973 - how to figure out if the battery is broken?
Timo Juhani Lindfors
- [QtMoko] handset is (almost) unusable for voice calls with background noise
Timo Juhani Lindfors
- Missing feature
Timo Juhani Lindfors
- [gta02-core] Openmoko Beagle Hybrid
Álvaro Lopes
- ANN: Freerunner Navigation Board v2
Christoph Mair
- [gta02-core] Openmoko Beagle Hybrid
Christoph Mair
- ANN: Freerunner Navigation Board v2
Christoph Mair
- [QtMoko] build error
Ricardo Martinez
- [QtMoko] build error
Ricardo Martinez
- [ANN] Community Updates 2010-06-01 released!
- qi boot into third partition
- iPhone 4G display for Openmoko?
- opkg.org virus?
- QtMoko v24
Vincent Meurisse
- Call noise on buzz-fixed freerunner with Qtmoko
Peter Mogensen
- Call noise on buzz-fixed freerunner with Qtmoko
Peter Mogensen
- Call noise on buzz-fixed freerunner with Qtmoko
Peter Mogensen
- QtMoko v24
Stefan Monnier
- QtMoko v24
Stefan Monnier
- Openmoko Beagle Hybrid
Stefan Monnier
- QtMoko v24
Jim Morris
- QtMoko v24
Jim Morris
- [WikiReader] Announcing wrdk
Sean Moss-Pultz
- [wikireader] Project Gutenberg (again)
Sean Moss-Pultz
- [wikireader] Project Gutenberg (again)
Sean Moss-Pultz
- [wikireader] Project Gutenberg (again)
Sean Moss-Pultz
- [wikireader] Project Gutenberg (again)
Sean Moss-Pultz
- Surveying community expectations on openmoko governance
Fox Mulder
- Questions about the cpu to glamo bus and the framebuffer
Fox Mulder
- Surveying community expectations on openmoko governance
Fox Mulder
- qi-bootmenu-0.1 problem with menu
Fox Mulder
- opkg.org virus?
Fox Mulder
- opkg.org virus?
Fox Mulder
- Missing feature
Fox Mulder
- Missing feature
Fox Mulder
- Missing feature
Fox Mulder
- Missing feature
Fox Mulder
- Missing feature
Fox Mulder
- Missing feature
Fox Mulder
- opkg.org virus?
Fox Mulder
- Patch for libphone-ui [was: fails to call from contacts if phone # contains any non-number?]
Fox Mulder
- parts for the buzzfix
Peter Nijs
- parts for the buzzfix
Peter Nijs
- parts for the buzzfix
Peter Nijs
- [QtMoko] handset is (almost) unusable for voice calls with background noise
Peter Nijs
- palm pre
Chuck Norris
- libmokoui2
Chuck Norris
- libmokoui2
Chuck Norris
- shr in qemu
Chuck Norris
- shr in qemu
Chuck Norris
- Surveying community expectations on openmoko governance
Marvel Onwuka
- AW: Surveying community expectations on openmoko governance
Marvel Onwuka
- QtMoko v24
Sylvain Paré
- QtMoko v24
Sylvain Paré
- Surveying community expectations on openmoko governance
Sylvain Paré
- palm pre
Sylvain Paré
- Freerunner Firewall
Robin Paulson
- SAMSUNG - possible project - help needed
Ivan Perez
- [gta02-core] Openmoko Beagle Hybrid
Andreas Pokorny
- QtMoko v24
Radek Polak
- QtMoko v24
Radek Polak
- QtMoko v24 for GTA01
Radek Polak
- QtMoko v24
Radek Polak
- QtMoko v24
Radek Polak
- QtMoko v24
Radek Polak
- QtMoko v24
Radek Polak
- QtMoko v24 for GTA01
Radek Polak
- QtMoko v24 for GTA01
Radek Polak
- QtMoko v24 for GTA01
Radek Polak
- QtMoko v24
Radek Polak
- qtmoko - updated and new packages.
Radek Polak
- [QtMoko] build error
Radek Polak
- QtMoko v24
Radek Polak
- [QtMoko] build error
Radek Polak
- [qtmoko v24] terminal-only after flashing
Radek Polak
- [QtMoko] handset is (almost) unusable for voice calls with background noise
Radek Polak
- Call noise on buzz-fixed freerunner with Qtmoko
Radek Polak
- Call noise on buzz-fixed freerunner with Qtmoko
Radek Polak
- New SHR-unstable images with 2.6.32 kernel
Radek Polak
- [gta02-core] Openmoko Beagle Hybrid
Bernd Prünster
- Looking for documentation for using the glamo
- iPhone 4G display for Openmoko?
Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman)
- [QtMoko] handset is (almost) unusable for voice calls with background noise
Joerg Reisenweber
- [QtMoko] handset is (almost) unusable for voice calls with background noise
Joerg Reisenweber
- Gprs sent and receive random byte. WHY?
Joerg Reisenweber
- Call noise on buzz-fixed freerunner with Qtmoko
Joerg Reisenweber
- FoxtrotGPS 0.99.4 available (also: looking forward...)
Joshua Judson Rosen
- test-post 00
Joshua Judson Rosen
- FoxtrotGPS 0.99.4 available (also: looking forward...)
Joshua Judson Rosen
- FoxtrotGPS 0.99.4 available (also: looking forward...)
Joshua Judson Rosen
- tangoGPS 0.99.4 - now more sports fun, revive your Freerunner
Joshua Judson Rosen
- QtMoko v24
Alex Samorukov
- QtMoko v24
Alex Samorukov
- QtMoko v24
Alex Samorukov
- QtMoko v24
Alex Samorukov
- AW: Surveying community expectations on openmoko governance
Alex Samorukov
- QtMoko v24
Alex Samorukov
- qtmoko - updated and new packages.
Alex Samorukov
- [qtmoko v24] terminal-only after flashing
Alex Samorukov
- MC Navi 0.2.10 released
Davide Scaini
- [ANN] Buzz/#1024/Bass-Rework = Headset Audio Quality Enhancement available in EU
Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
- iPhone 4G display for Openmoko?
Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
- Openmoko Beagle Hybrid
Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
- [gta02-core] Openmoko Beagle Hybrid
Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
- Openmoko Beagle Hybrid
Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
- [gta02-core] Openmoko Beagle Hybrid
Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
- [gta02-core] Openmoko Beagle Hybrid
Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
- [gta02-core] Openmoko Beagle Hybrid
Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
- [gta02-core] Openmoko Beagle Hybrid
Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
- [gta02-core] Openmoko Beagle Hybrid
Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
- [ANN] AJZaurusUSB-0.6.0 (a better CDC Ethernet gadget USB driver for Mac OS X)
Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
- HTC patent application for Joerg's Y-cable?
Rui Miguel Silva Seabra
- Freerunner Firewall
Rui Miguel Silva Seabra
- [QtMoko] build error
Jens Seidel
- shr in qemu
- Freerunner Firewall
- Freerunner Firewall
- Gprs sent and receive random byte. WHY?
- Gprs sent and receive random byte. WHY?
- Gprs sent and receive random byte. WHY?
- Gprs sent and receive random byte. WHY?
- Gprs sent and receive random byte. WHY?
- Freerunner Firewall
- Gprs sent and receive random byte. WHY?
- SHR-U: Empty VT on resume
Andrew Stephen
- Gprs sent and receive random byte. WHY?
Stefan Strahl
- [WikiReader] Announcing wrdk
- qi-bootmenu-0.1 problem with menu
Marc Andre Tanner
- [QtMoko] handset is (almost) unusable for voice calls with background noise
- cpu reclocking to 500Mhz, overclocking to 533Mhz, performance tests and bootloader images
- [qtmoko] v24 & importing contacts
- MC Navi 0.2.10 released
Petr Vanek
- QtMoko v24
Tiago Bortoletto Vaz
- AW: Surveying community expectations on openmoko governance
Enaut Waldmeier
- glamo gdrm,
Thomas White
- [WikiReader] Announcing wrdk
Christ van Willegen
- SHR-U: Empty VT on resume
Thomas Zimmermann
- Missing feature
Thomas Zimmermann
- [qtmoko] v24 & importing contacts
Rafael Ignacio Zurita
- QtMoko v24
arne anka
- Surveying community expectations on openmoko governance
arne anka
- QtMoko v24
neo at el-hennig.de
- QtMoko v24
gt at ergoarte.ch
- QtMoko v24
- QtMoko v24
- QtMoko v24
- [QtMoko] handset is (almost) unusable for voice calls with background noise
rixed at happyleptic.org
- sd performance tests, bonnie++ with different filesystems.
jougnz jougnz
- Surveying community expectations on openmoko governance
jeremy jozwik
- Surveying community expectations on openmoko governance
jeremy jozwik
- iPhone 4G display for Openmoko?
jeremy jozwik
- test-post 00
jeremy jozwik
- opkg.org virus?
jeremy jozwik
- FoxtrotGPS 0.99.4 available (also: looking forward...)
jeremy jozwik
- FoxtrotGPS 0.99.4 available (also: looking forward...)
jeremy jozwik
- T-mobile even more plus
jeremy jozwik
- QtMoko v24
qu kai
- [QtMoko] FR dying unexpectedly?
giacomo 'giotti' mariani
- [qtmoko] exporting sqlite contacts to vcf
giacomo 'giotti' mariani
- glamo gdrm,
mobi phil
- Profiling on openmoko (or ARM generally)
mobi phil
- SHR-U: Empty VT on resume
- QtMoko v24
- Freerunner for sale
- New SHR-unstable images with 2.6.32 kernel
- Missing feature
Marcin Ćwikła
Last message date:
Wed Jun 30 23:38:38 CEST 2010
Archived on: Wed Jun 30 23:43:58 CEST 2010
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).