getting started with wlan

Kai-Martin kmk at
Sun Mar 21 01:28:32 CET 2010


Last week, I bought this used freerunner, version GTA02-A5. I decided to
dump the existing install and do a fresh flash of shr. So I followed the
directions in :

Download images from
Install of rootfs and kernel image with dfu-util was successful.

For the kernel moduls, the manual just says: "Put that file on the FreeRunner
and run gzi -dc modules ..."
The only way could come up to put the file on the freerunner, was with sftp
via usb_ether, after the image and the kernel had been flashed and booted.
Is this the way the modules are supposed to be installed?

Anyway, the flash seems to have worked out fine. On boot I get a shr boot
screen and an enlightment driven "desktop". The touch screen is
resonpsive. Dial-out works, I can call my other phone. There is nbo display of
current net strength, though. Ether over USB works. I can ssh from my desktop
to the freerunner and did the transfer of the kernel modules. Mokomaze
works, so the orientation sensor is operative, too.

The only major hardware component I could not get running, is wlan. Scannning
in mokonnect does not reveal any net. If I tell mkonnect to connect, anyway,
it runs into timeout. However, iwlist on the ssh command line yields the
expected local wlan net:

$ iwlist eth0 scan
eth0      Scan completed :
           Cell 01 - Address: 00:12:17:CC:F9:A2
                     Frequency:2.462 GHz (Channel 11)
                     Quality=10/94  Signal level=-85 dBm  Noise level=-95 dBm
                     Encryption key:on

What might be the problem on here? Do I have to configure mokonnect in
some way?

This may or may not be related:
On exit of mokonnect I get a popup

	Enlightment error
	This is very bad. Enlightment SigABRT'd. This not meant
         to happen and is most liekly a bug (...)
         (F1) recover             (F2) exit

Any advice how I would go ahead to get wlan working?

Kai-Martin Knaak
Email: kmk at
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