Trouble reaching the mailman of Projects-openmoko lists
Openick India
Wed Nov 3 08:16:59 CET 2010
Is anyone listening?On Wed, Nov 3, 2010 at 2:53 AM, Heidi Ullrichwrote:Dear All,Please see below a message sent by Danny Younger on the subject of the AtLarge Board Director selection process.Kind regards,HeidiHeidi UllrichDirector for AtLargeInternet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)Telephone: + 1 (310) 578 8647Fax: +1 (310) 823 8649Cell/Mobile: +1 (310) 437 3956 Original message From:""Openick India""< OPENICK at >Date: 2 Nov 10 09:56:11Subject: Trouble reaching the mailman of Projectsopenmoko listsTo: "Community Openmoko" HelloI have trouble reaching the mailman (to retrieve my list administrator's password) for a list.Sent a request tomailman at but THE MESSAGE TO THE MAILMAN IS TREATED LIKE A MESSAGE TO THE LIST.So I received the following message, which keeps the problem in an impossible loop. Can anyone tell me how to reach the mail man for the projects.openmoko lists?Your mail to 'Mailman' with the subjectList owner password
and moderator passwordIs being held until the list moderator can review it for approval.The reason it is being held:Post by nonmember to a membersonly listEither the message will get posted to the list, or you will receivenotification of the moderator's decision. If you would like to cancelthis posting, please visit the following URL: Community Openmoko ! Get Yourself a cool, short Email ID now! Dear Community Openmoko ! Get Yourself a cool, short Email ID now!
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