We can have Help from Always Innovating !

Thomas HOCEDEZ thomas.hocedez at free.fr
Wed Oct 6 10:07:17 CEST 2010

Thanks Nikolaus for your answers.

As the discussion on the developpement of GTA04 flies too high over my 
electronics skills level, I can't estimate the progress easily. (But I 
don't doubt of it!)

As we discuss in the french forums, we think that the MiniBook should 
keep the capacity to be link the the AlwaysInnovating tablet. So we will 
*try* to expand this device, without removing anything.

The two more important things to add are GPS & GSM & BT (perhaps). And 
let the device capable of future openings.
I'm waiting for more returns from users, and will aks A.I. for a 
collaboration in intergrating such fonctiunalities.
With the help of your references, we will try to have the same chips 
used for a question of portability.

I think that GTA04 & this hypothetic device would be nice to live 
together. The A.I. could be a 'lite' equipped device, cheaper, and GTA04 
a full featured one. What do you think of this approach ? That line 
drawn, we will have a clear view of how to work.



On 06/10/2010 07:31, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
> Hi,
> looks like an interesting project to build a wireless MID.
> I want to suggest that you base your design on the GTA04, since it is far more
> developed as you might think, but also far from being complete... Let's say
> it is in the middle of the ocean but heads towards its destination.
> We are currently redesigning it a little so that you can not only use the GTA04
> board  as a new motherboard for the GTA02 plastics, but also as a module to
> attach a different LCM and other peripherals (e.g. QWERTY keyboard controller).
> This is done by adding two board-to-board connectors on the display side.
> The UMTS solution of the GTA04 is based on the OPTION GTM501.
> On the software side we have Debian Lenny (which can be the base of QtMoko).
> There are also Android ports and SHR should not be too dfifficult to adapt.
> If you need more information or help, please feel free to ask.
> BR,
> Nikolaus
> Am 05.10.2010 um 23:17 schrieb Thomas HOCEDEZ:
>>   On 10/05/2010 10:30 PM, Thomas HOCEDEZ wrote:
>>>    On 10/05/2010 08:38 PM, Giovanni wrote:
>>>> My free time and knowledge is quite limited, anyway I am willing to
>>>> help in some way
>>>> How can I help?
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> alien jo
>>> Well, for now, we have to set some points, each one requires more or
>>> less time&   skills, so anyone can give a little help :
>>> - List of what is needed on a device bult on the base of the MiniBook.
>>> It means : what feature MUST be included, and what feature could be
>>> added on the "bonus tracks". A poll can be launched for that.
>>> - Find a name for such a device.
>>> - Ask OS's developpers if their distro can be ported easily or not on
>>> the device.
>>> - Decide how the device should be "open" (extensions, versatile ...)&
>>> future-ready.
>>> - Find someone with a little bit of knowledge to find the chips
>>> references that would be included (GSM, SimCard holder, GPS..)
>>> - Opening a Wiki page to store all those steps&   results !
>>> - Give some extra more ideas !
>>> So feel free to answer those questions,&   add others.
>>> Thanks  a lot
>>> AstHrO
>> For example, coud it be possible to put a gobi2000 (GPS+3G) chip(1) in it ?
>> How much does this cost ?
>> Does this chip is sold in other factor ?
>> ...
>> (1)
>> http://www.roundsolutions.com/shop/products/en/HSPA-modem/Option-GOBI2000-HSUPA-HSDPA-UMTS-Mini-PCI-Express-Card.html
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