community Digest, Vol 204, Issue 8

Thomas HOCEDEZ thomas.hocedez at
Thu Oct 7 14:53:25 CEST 2010

On 06/10/2010 19:37, Christoph Pulster wrote:
> Once again my rants, Touchbook from A.I. is a piece of crap.
> Pointing with the stylus on the touchscreen and the device is bending
> back to the table. This problem was solved 20 years ago with Psion
> Series 3.
> Besides case has a ugly plastic touch and feel, very bad end-quality,
> unit is getting hot, is heavy, sliding in/out of docking is pain etc
> etc.
I read a lot of reviews of TouchBook, and there is actually a problem on 
the device design. (the fact that the motherboard is on the screen might 
be one). But A.I. tried something, and they often came back with new 
And here we are talking about the MiniBook, I didn't review for now.
> All in all, I see no reason to spend any effords in this way.
> What we need is a updated GTA02 (a mobile 100% FOSS device) and a
> intelligent marketing idea. My idea on the later is, to point the finger
> in the Apple direction and naming the evil by name. Considering
> ourselves on the light side of gadgets :-)
I'm a pacifist in the heart, and I don't want to start battle against 
something. My philosophy is to build things, not destroying. If you kill 
something, you've got one thing less : If it's a friend, so bad, one 
friend lost, if it's an ennemy, one less to compare with you that your 
idea is better than his.
We're not on the same level than Big "A". We all know it. But if we can 
be the little annoying thing in its eye, why not !

When I see all the answers here, I think It worth to spend time & 
energy. Everyone waits for it, and some of the readers are ready to give 
a hand. We inherited the FR community, and the community Work, we can't 
let such a chance letting go.

And As you are here, Christoph, If this phone is build one day, would 
you agree to sell it ? Your point of view is really interresting I think.

Thanks a lot,

> Christoph
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