Wikireader development - Ideas and improvements

Patrick Beck pbeck at
Sat Oct 9 14:31:54 CEST 2010

Hi Sean,

Am Montag, den 04.10.2010, 16:34 +0800 schrieb Sean Moss-Pultz:
> Just about everything is done in Python that has to do with parsing.
> So you should be fine. If you are interested in developing, get our
> codes from github, let us know when you have something good, and we'd
> love to pull it back into future releases.
> Feel free to email us if you have any questions!

I have looked into the code a bit and have a few starting problems.
Perhaps you can write a small howto about generating the files for the

- Which base files use the wikireader for converting => XML Datadump?
- How works the converting process where i have to store the data?
- Is it possible to use only one file for converting?
	* so it's possible to generate own content - not a wiki.

For me it would be very helpful so i can concentrate on the parser and
can test it directly.

Perhaps you can describe the process to convert Wikipedia XY into the
wiki.dat format and describe how own content can be integrated. From the
git checkout to a working wikipedia XY.

with kind regards


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