[GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller hns at goldelico.com
Thu Oct 21 19:36:06 CEST 2010

Am 21.10.2010 um 18:05 schrieb Al Johnson:

> On Thursday 21 October 2010, Andreas Fischer wrote:
>> Hi,
>> One question: Do you only consider upgrades of existing Freerunners or
>> would a complete phone also be an option? My (probably naive) impression
>> is that you're only missing the case plastics to provide a complete GTA4
>> phone.
> Most of the parts are here:
> http://www.handheld-
> linux.com/wiki.php?page=Accessories&referer=Neo%20Freerunner
> Not sure if the button plastics are included in the middle part or not. Not 
> sure about the vibrator either, but everything else looks to be available, at 
> least in limited quantities. 

Yes, but *very* limited quantities...

And no chance to produce more. I did discuss with Sean how we could get
access to the original tools for community use, but there are financial,
legal, bureaucratic and many other issues. So we decided not to put too much
effort into that aproach.

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