[GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

Gennady Kupava gb at bsdmn.com
Fri Oct 22 19:17:39 CEST 2010

В Птн, 22/10/2010 в 05:36 -0700, RANJAN пишет:
> Hello,
> Recommendations for better hardware on Openmoko.
> 1)A 600 Mhz processor is minimally required to run the OS at usable
> speeds.An 800 Mhz processor would be good across all OSes.A 1Ghz
> processor would be too costly

Hi, Ranjan.

I just want to say that memory subsystem speed is much more important
for speed than cpu speed.

While testing freerunner, i've found that performance of system
primitives of 500/83 CPU is similar to 400/100. So, really it is much
more important to have fast memory subsystem. So, for example, 600/100
will be really not so far from to freerunner's at 440/110.

Memory subsystem speed become extremly important if CPU lack of L2
cache. What is cache(s) size(s) of GTA04's CPU?


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