pisi calendar sync over caldav?

David Lanzendörfer david.lanzendoerfer at o2s.ch
Mon Oct 25 19:48:37 CEST 2010

>But in the pisi doc it states that it uses ics files over webdav which
>is not the same as caldav extension to webdav AFAIK. I don't have any
>ics file when accessing my calendar over caldav. I only have an url like
>http://www.myserver.de/mycal with username and password.
Ooops. Got you wrong. Sry.
Well... Nope. Not yet implemented it seems.
But you are free to add a plugin ^_^"

>That sounds interesting.
>The default dates application in shr-u is opimd-dates and i can install
>"dates" from the repo which is pimlico-dates. Evolution is not available
>in shr-u and from the looks it is way to huge for the freerunner. And
>what has opimd contacts to do with a caldav calendar or do you mean
>opimd dates? :)
What? Huh?
Since when?
Last time I checked, when I started dates, evolution was running in the background
and data was stored as ics file in evolution subdirectory...
Do we now have opimd also for dates managment?

>Could you explain a bit more what you mean by "convert"?
Well it gets e.g. SyncML data and puts them into ics vcf format and vise-versa...

>I would really like to have a calendar which could sync to caldav itself
>like the iphone (seen at a friend's phone). :)
Well. Sry. I'm atm busy with building a RepRap (Huxley)
But you could implement it? =^.^=~

best regards
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