[GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

Ed Kapitein ed at kapitein.org
Tue Oct 26 16:52:30 CEST 2010

 On 10/26/2010 03:17 PM, W. B. Kranendonk wrote:
> --- On Tue, 10/26/10, Andreas Fischer <cyberfrag at gmx.net> wrote:
>> On 26.10.2010 12:14, Dr. H. Nikolaus
>> Schaller wrote:
>>> How many new cases would you and your friends buy if
>> it costs:
>>> * 20 EUR
>>> * 50 EUR
>>> * 100 EUR
>>> * 200 EUR
>> (...) 20 Euros is
>> a no-brainer (...)
>> 50 Euros still sound ok to me. Anything above 100 Euros
>> seems to be a
>> bit steep for me.
> I agree on the 20 and 50 euro options, when talking just about the case. When talking about (fictive) 350E for a complete phone, that seems OK if you don't know that it's 150 for electronics and 200 for the case.
> Over 100E might be steep for only the case, but combined with the "foundation" idea Nikolaus launched it might get interesting: 
> *  20 E
> *  50 E
> * 100 E and one share in the Opencase foundation
> * 200 E and two shares in the Opencase foundation
> or a similar scheme. In case (no pun intended) we use a production method that scales well, the average case price will lower over time and after a break even the foundation could pay the shareholders. Probably gives loads of headaches in administration, but could be an option :-)
> Boudewijn
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Hi All,

Since it seems so hard to have a custom made case, why not use an
existing case for a HTC, nokia, iphone or the like?
(or a chinese replica)
The layout of the PCB needs to be alltered ofcourse, but it seems that
it might be an easier thing to do.
 Just my 2 cents.

Kind regards,

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