[GTA04] When is the next and more powerful openmoko releasing

Ed Kapitein ed at kapitein.org
Tue Oct 26 17:28:32 CEST 2010

 On 10/26/2010 05:05 PM, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:
> Hi All,
> Since it seems so hard to have a custom made case, why not use an
> existing case for a HTC, nokia, iphone or the like?
> (or a chinese replica)
> The layout of the PCB needs to be alltered ofcourse, but it seems that
> it might be an easier thing to do.
> Just my 2 cents.
> Interesting idea to think about.
> For me, this raises some questions.
> The first is: which one should we take? There are many candidates...
> Second one: do we want to become dependent on the availability of such products and/or
> spare parts? We need a source for pure spare parts where none of the *big five* can
> make our life even more difficult.
> Finally, it might become quite tricky to design a new PCB that fits into their cases because they
> use even more special tools and components than the Openmoko design does. If you look
> inside such a device they sometimes e.g. have multiple PCBs interconnected by Flex PCBs.
> Or they have custom designed connectors, buttons, springs, screws etc. Which is no problem
> if they produce 1 million units per month.
> Sean has given us a very important learning: we should use catalog components (e.g. DigiKey,
> Farnell, Mouser, RS-Components) as good as possible. Unfortunately they don't have a
> smartphone case.
> Nikolaus
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Hi Nikolaus ,

I think all your points are valid, it would be just a start to get the
phone out to the "public"
And perhpaps a part of the price could be used to get the
parts/equipment to make a custom case.
I took a look at my old htc magican and the screen dimensions are the
same as the FR.
The "photo" button is almost at the same location as the AUX button.
The power button is somewhere else though.
a cover cost aprox 22 dollar at [1] and perhpas less if you order a 100
or so.

It wouldn't be a perfect sollution, but it might be a step on the road.


Kind regards,

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