Broken Freerunner - repairable?

Lukas Märdian lukasmaerdian at
Wed Aug 3 20:17:07 CEST 2011


As developer of SHR-Today/idle_screen I can say, that idle_screen is
just a fullscreen window above the illume desktop. =>
It shouldn't change any mode of the screen/Shouldn't treat the screen
any other than the illume desktop.


On 03.08.2011 19:56, omcomali.rhn at wrote:
> On Wed, 03 Aug 2011 19:26:04 +0200
> Ed Kapitein <ed at> wrote:
>> On 08/03/2011 07:04 PM, omcomali.rhn at wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Last week I was unfortunate enough to have my Freerunner submerged in a lake for a short moment. While I took out the battery immediately, it doesn't quite work any more.
>>> It spent about 10 secs underwater, and after a few days of drying, it seems to boot properly both from NAND menu and plain power-button method.
>>> The problem is, the screen goes gradually white at some points during boot (but not on the SHR-Today screen, where the screen shows distorted copies of the screen). I tried reflashing a newer SHR version, but apparently the drawing methods are still the same.
>>> There's a video of the boot process here: (5 MB).
>>> After the video ends, the screen goes white again. It doesn't show NAND boot menu which works fine.
>>> Can anyone point me to which replaceable part may be broken? Is it the whole screen module that needs to be replaced?
>>> Cheers,
>>> rhn
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>>> Openmoko community mailing list
>>> community at
>> Hi Rhn,
>> It doesn't seem to be that broken, it boots, but it shows no splash screen.
>> Did you try to leave it on for 10/15 minutes and see what happens?
>> The freerunner has three (?) splash screens, did you try to reflash them
>> as well?
>> [1]
>> I hope the FR will come to live again.
>> Kind regards,
>> Ed
>> PS
>> i was not able to reflash my splash screens, so if it doesn't work as
>> per wiki, don't dispair. if you are able to reflash the splash screen,
>> please correct the wiki if it was incorrect.
>> [1]
> Hi Ed,
> Actually, it boots through the kernel and into Illume. I'm quite sure it's not related to any splash screens - I could switch between SHR-Today (visible) and Illume (broken).
> I suspect that the screen (?) reacts differently to different video modes.
> Cheers,
> rhn
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> Openmoko community mailing list
> community at

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