QtMoko messages on the SIM card and in SQLite DB?

Philip Rhoades phil at pricom.com.au
Tue Aug 23 16:26:21 CEST 2011


Could someone enlighten me about how messages work on the FreeRunner 
with QtMoko v35?

Since I switched to QtMoko, I had accumulated about 80 sent messages 
and about 70 incoming messages.  I had set up symlinks for /root and 
/home/root to dirs in /media/card and had been backing up these dirs to 
my desktop.  On the weekend I started getting errors when I tried to 
delete messages - something about "no space or another application using 
the dir".  There was no shortage of disk space (53% on the root 
partition and, coincidentally, 53% on the SD card) but after some 
effort, I gave trying to work out what was wrong and reflashed v35, 
restored symlinks to the SD dirs etc but only a few of my old messages 
are displaying - is it possible to restore them somehow from backup? Why 
did most of the old ones disappear?


Philip Rhoades

GPO Box 3411
Sydney NSW    2001
E-mail:  phil at pricom.com.au

Philip Rhoades

GPO Box 3411
Sydney NSW    2001
E-mail:  phil at pricom.com.au

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