QtMoko v37 for GTA02

Radek Polak psonek2 at seznam.cz
Sun Dec 11 17:51:03 CET 2011

after a small delay i am happy to announce QtMoko v37 also for Freerunner. I 
have just rebuild the debian package for this release. You can find it here 
[1], but apt-get update && apt-get upgrade from v35 should work too.

I have not tested the release at all, because my Freerunner is currently 
disassembled and is waiting for new case, so please take when upgrading to 

Here is list of changes since v36:

* doc - fixed toolchain instructions (Rafael Ignacio Zurita)
* finger friendly patches for contacts, shutdown, call history, qtmail (Rafael 
Ignacio Zurita)
* added security.debian.org to sources.list (pabs3)
* using geomirros for in sources.list (pabs3)
* new input biglangscape input method (Rafael Ignacio Zurita)
* autorotation script (Rafael Ignacio Zurita)
* qx can now launch Qt-X11 apps like fbreader (LD_LIBRARY_PATH problem)
* qx can delete X11 lock files (useful if X crashed)
* delete qtopia temp dir on start (local sockets work after unclean restart)
* fixed singal status polling for AT modems
* option to disable signal polling for AT modems
* dont poll battery immediately on AT modems
* option to disable AT+CCED on AT modem
* option to decode operator name for AT modem plugins
* support for Exec argument .desktop files

Besides this i have figured out, how to quite easily rebuild regular Qt apps 
for QtMoko so that you dont have to use qbuild. You can look forward very soon 
for FBReader port (just finishing the .deb package), i hope i can do the same 
with navit.

Any other ideas for cool qt apps that you would like on QtMoko?



[1] http://qtmoko.sourceforge.net/debian/qtmoko_37-1_armel.deb

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