[OT] HP contributes webOS software to the open source community

Sylvain Paré sylvain.pare at gmail.com
Mon Dec 12 12:34:08 CET 2011

As a webos user (try to help to port SHR on it) I can say it is a really
great/pleasant mobile OS
but with some bad point that could be improved if it is really open-sourced.
For me SHR or QTMoko should takes the card metaphor idea. It is really THE
thing for me + the gesture handling, and both can be taken.

I personally would love to be able to adapt these in Enlightenment.

2011/12/10 Alex Samorukov <ml at os2.kiev.ua>

> On 12/10/2011 07:48 PM, urodelo wrote:
>> words, HP will keep the control of the development.
>> Do they think they can still get anything ($$) from webOS? If not, why
>> they didn't let everything in the hands of the community?
>> I've never used webos devices, just red articles about Palm devs,
>> comments, etc, but I believe that an open source webos could have a
>> positive impact on openmoko community too. What do you think?
> I think it could be great. We alredy have one OS based on abandoned
> sources (QTMoko) and i am using it as primary OS for OpenMoko. WebOS is
> known to be commercial and stable operating system and it probably should
> work fine on onging GTA04 effort.
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