QtMoko docs online
Rafael Ignacio Zurita
rizurita at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 12 13:53:30 CET 2011
--- On Sun, 12/11/11, dmatthews.org <mail at dmatthews.org> wrote:
> At first it looked a bit doubtful that this had gone
> cleanly, but after the reboot I have the new big keyboard
> which is great.
> A wish list would be to add a few extra keys and make it
> useful with the terminal - I'm thinking tab complete, ^ for
> bash history and / path separator.
The new keyboard with big keys is the first version of such
idea. So, obviously, you could find bugs.
We just took another keyboard code, removed some stuff,
did the keys bigger, and added the autorotate. I was
thinking on that idea for sms only (I use it much with
mobile communications prices in Argentina). Another extra
idea for this keyboard is to remove the number keys. What
do you think?. That would do the keys bigger yet, which
is the main goal of this new thing.
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