[QtMoko] new theme: MokoFaen

Guilhem Bonnefille guilhem.bonnefille at gmail.com
Mon Dec 12 14:50:58 CET 2011

Hi Joif,

2011/12/12 Joif <fdvjoif at vodafone.it>:
> There is a new theme that I worked on: MokoFaen.

Thanks for doing such job.

> As it is a sort of Faenqomod v2 I suppose that Faenqomod can be possibly
> deleted from the apps page.

I've not yet tested it, but for what I saw in screenshots, this theme
follow different ideas from previous one. I suggest to keep both
themes available. As they are quite differents, people can prefer one
or the other.
IMHO, a "revision" of a theme is something that just improve sizes,
colors or icons. Since it change the location of buttons, it is
something more than a revision.

Thanks again for contributing this so important aspect of software:
the "polished" UI.
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