about the cases

Yury Sakarinen zyth at onego.ru
Tue Dec 13 05:50:33 CET 2011

Hi, list.

There are 2 covers for gta02 made ​​of plastic and are too thick (~ 2.5 
If it were possible to make them out of aluminum (0.5-1mm), we would 
a slim and elegant case for our phone.. No other changes needed..

Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller писал 12.12.2011 12:04:
> Am 12.12.2011 um 09:51 schrieb Patryk Benderz:
>> Dnia 2011-12-11, nie o godzinie 23:36 +0100, Fernando Martins pisze:
>>> Hi,
>>> Out of curiosity would it be possible to recover the original 
>>> moulds
>>> used to produce the cases?
>>> Anybody knows what happened to them?
>> Good question, however moulds are designed to produce certain amount 
>> of
>> cases. Looking at how much was made, moulds can be at end of their
>> lives.
> AFAIK they have been made in 2006 or 2007 for the Neo1973 (and have
> been slightly modified for the GTA02). So I think they have been made
> within FIC and since FIC was finally the manufacturing subcontractor 
> of
> Openmoko, Inc. I think they could be somewhere within FIC. Or have 
> been
> scrapped there after some years of not being used.
> Anyways, they aren't of big help since the components inserted into 
> the
> case (earpiece, vibracall motor, speaker) are no longer produced
> or available.
> So we have to go the painful way of designing our own cases. But the
> good side is that we can improve on the outer shape and look&feel.
> Nikolaus
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