QtMoko v37 for GTA02

robin spielraum at web.de
Tue Dec 13 07:08:27 CET 2011

Hi Radek,

as this seems to become the freerunner wishlist for qtmoko I would like to add:

- SMS writing in Landscape in fullscreen mode (for my big thumbs I need all the 
space I can get to have the keys separated ;-) ) 
- Big SMS Keyboard Layout which can be as edited as the qtmoko themes, making it 
a bit prettier and maybe allow the user to scale its height
- Like the android On/Off gadged for the home screen an On/Off for Wifi (which 
then tries to connect to any of the preconfigured wifi spots), for GPS, and 
maybe one for cycling through 3 brightness levels 
- Maybe for the on/off list in the gears part have it as layouted as:
  task / on / off (which one of the former being different in color to show 
the actual status)

Maybe to get little skilled users involved the last point could be even made as
 a template where you write down how it would be acchieved for a single task 
and make a reference where on finds all the other commands and someone like me
fills the list and sends you the finished template back. As many of the list 
your effort is really appreciated but we all have the fear that at some point 
you might consider it to be too time consuming. So like with the themes if 
there are little things which can be altered by the standard user it will even
more increase the popularity of your distro.

best regards and a great christmas season to you


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