uSD corruption

Alishams Hassam alishams.hassam at
Fri Dec 16 00:03:01 CET 2011

With v36 on nanad (ubifs), kernel 2.6.34, qi and *no* deep sleep; I had
this happen *very* occasionally. Like maybe 2 - 3 times a month. That is to
say, when suspended, it just would not resume and required me to take out
the battery. I'm yet to experience this when I have logging enabled so I
have no idea what could be causing it.

On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 1:00 PM, <fdvjoif at> wrote:

> Hi
> I have a Kingstone microSD card 8GB. It seems to be reliable for data but
> if I use it with a running distro, at this moment QtMoko, I experience,
> during a day of usage, several freezings. I mean, when it is in suspend
> mode (deep suspend enabled) if I press the power button the Neo does not
> recover from the suspend. I have to pull off the battery and then restart
> the Neo, but as can you imagine, after a couple of times the file system
> gets corrupted and I have to format the partition. Moreover this behaviour
> seems to become worse as the time passes.
> Should I consider to replace the uSD card? are there known issues in using
> running distro on it?
> Thanks.
> Joif
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