uSD corruption

Frank frank at
Sat Dec 17 12:47:40 CET 2011

Am 15.12.2011 22:00, schrieb fdvjoif at
> Hi
> I have a Kingstone microSD card 8GB. It seems to be reliable for data
> but if I use it with a running distro, at this moment QtMoko,...

> .... file system gets corrupted and I have to format the partition.
> Joif

Hallo Joif,
when I startet with Freerunner and QTmoko v35 I bought uSD-Cards in the 
Electronic-Market in Town. It was a a Toshiba 4 GB and a Toshiba 8 GB.

The filesystem on it get corrupted once a day.

Most times it was possible to repair the uSD-Filesystem by starting the 
Backup-System, a small QT-Moko in NAND and running:

  umount /media/card
  e2fsck -f -y -v /dev/mmcblk0p1

But this was no solution for eternity.

I ordered a Moko-tested uSD from Pulster [1], which works fine until 
today.  But:  It was a Kingston!

Maybe Kingston has different types?

It's not easy to find the right one as you see in [2].





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