[Gta04-owner] [Marketing] Ideas / Plan

Glenn glenn.mh.dk at gmail.com
Sat Dec 31 09:19:51 CET 2011

On 30/12/11 07.39, Alishams Hassam wrote:
> Hello All,
> Firstly note that I am not a marketing expert by any means.

Me2 ;-)

> 1. Online and print magazines, news websites:

When GTA02 was sold and someone needed an ARM testboard, I recommended 
GTA02 and http://www.embeddedartists.com/ boards to people on 
news://comp.arch.embedded news://linux.debian.ports.arm and 
news://comp.sys.arm , that wanted a fast ARM board to play with.

The reason is that with GTA02 you might end up with a useable access 
point or phone - instead of a standard board. Bonus: GTA02 has wi-fi and 
GSM modem!

A complete GTA04 has a lot more! It even has built-in UPS!


In the same sense a complete GTA04 could be marketed as a open ARM-based 
test phone (almost no NDA needed) to technical department of 
universities, colleges and other teaching schools.


But the schematic and chip specifications/documentation should be very 
easily accessible (direct updated links), so hard core freaks can 
evaluate the ARM board in an instant.

A lot of easy low-level software (not only Linux, but e.g. also FreeRTOS 
or a short C or C++ program demonstrating GTA04 funtionality "here is 
how the LED/wi-fi/IR/USB/SD-card/LCD/camera turns on/is used, like 
embedded(-)artists..."), must be available so technically oriented 
people can "wrestle" with it by themself or in education.


Then you/we will have a lot more technically oriented people working 
with the phone hardware and software and with more suggestions.


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