FOSS GSM security camera?

David Lanzendörfer david.lanzendoerfer at
Fri Feb 25 23:19:21 CET 2011

>Dear all,

>Thanks for the suggestions. Looks like the financial & time cost of the
>available options doesn't justify a FOSS solution for my application right
>now, so I've stifled a retch and ordered one of the readymade models
>from eBay :/
Well, what would our world be without eBay nowadays? ;-D

>Still, I hope my question has prompted some of the hackers on the list to
>think about packaging suitable software & hardware combos so that consumers
>will one day be able to buy off-the-shelf FOSS GSM security cams!
Yes, indeed, it did.
I've got a FOSS-company ( and it might be a good idea to expand our
range of products with FOSS-based observation camera sets...

>Thanks again for your time,
no problem

- lev
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