GTA04 Wiki

Radek Polak psonek2 at
Fri Jan 14 15:43:03 CET 2011

Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller wrote:

> To start filling it with really useful information, please let us know
> which pages (keyword, short description) you would expect.

Just an idea: we could write down wrong decisions that were made during GTA02 
development and that could be avoided for GTA04.


- the GTA03 announce was bad decision and discouraged many people from buying 

- GTA02 was released to public as phone without decent software stack, which 
caused negative reviews, which discouraged many potential customers.

Maybe it's too early but it would be pity to do something wrong twice.

I can see a lot of potential in GTA04 and it could be employed not just as a 
phone. I am working for company that does sofware and sells embedded devices 
and we paid a lot of money for custom ARM board with display and GSM modem. 
GTA04 could have done the job much better.



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