[opkg] "Cannot install package package.tar.gz"

Gilles Ganault gilles.ganault at free.fr
Fri Jun 24 15:41:38 CEST 2011


	I've never built packages before (Debian or opkg). I used the
following short article, but it doesn't work:


When I try to install the package on a Linux appliance:
var/tmp> ./opkg-cl install package.tar.gz
Unknown package 'package.tar.gz'.
Collected errors:
 * opkg_install_cmd: Cannot install package package.tar.gz.

Here's what I did:
/usr/src/mypackage# tree .
+-- bin
¦   +-- hello
¦   +-- hello.c
+-- control
+-- debian-binary
+-- postinst
+-- postrm
+-- preinst
+-- prerm
/usr/src/mypackage# cat control 
Package: mypackage
Version: 0.0.1
Description: Sample OPKG package
Maintainer: John Doe
Architecture: all

/usr/src/mypackage# cat preinst 
echo "The name of this script is \"$0\"."

/usr/src/mypackage# cat postinst 
echo "The name of this script is \"$0\"."

/usr/src/mypackage# cat prerm 
echo "The name of this script is \"$0\"."

/usr/src/mypackage# cat postrm 
echo "The name of this script is \"$0\"."

/usr/src/mypackage# cat debian-binary 
/usr/src/mypackage# tar czvf control.tar.gz control pre* post*

/usr/src/mypackage# tar czvf data.tar.gz bin/hello

/usr/src/mypackage# tar czvf package.tar.gz control.tar.gz data.tar.gz

/usr/src/mypackage# mv package.tar.gz /var/www

FWIW, I used "hexadump" to check that lines end with LF (0a).

Does someone have a hint about what could be wrong?

Thanks for any help.

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