[QtMoko] MokoFaen v2.1

francesco.devita at mailoo.org francesco.devita at mailoo.org
Thu Aug 30 13:01:46 CEST 2012

> yberbrowser does not have the keyboard toggle so one cannot type in urls.
> br
> robin
You're right, the keyboard toggle appears following this rule, from 
<inputmethods-plugin transient="yes" active="expr:@/UI/IMVisible"/>

Yberbrowser maybe has different rules for the input methods. For now the 
only workaround that gets in my mind is to have the keyboard toggle 
always visible...
If you want to apply the workaround, edit 
/opt/qtmoko/etc/themes/mokofaen/context.xml , go to line 16 and change 
the lines:

<exclusive rect="34%,5%,32%x90%">
<inputmethods-plugin transient="yes" active="expr:@/UI/IMVisible"/>


<exclusive rect="34%,5%,32%x90%">


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