[QtMoko] Error compiling on wheezy

Giacomo 'giotti' Mariani giacomomariani at yahoo.it
Tue Dec 4 14:42:18 CET 2012

Hi All,
   following Radek suggestion, I've being able to start QtMoko on the
virtual machine: just hat to run it as root.

Most of the icons are not working, such as the application menu, which
is partially populated.
Now, after "git pull", I'm trying to recompile, but I get the following
error in ./configure:

ERROR: You requested "-sound-system pulse" but it was disabled.

Do you have any suggestion?


On 11/26/2012 06:08 PM, Giacomo 'giotti' Mariani wrote:
> Hi all.
> Updates:
>  * I had to install libasound2 libgstreamer-plugins-base0.10-0
> libts-0.0-0 in order to solve library dependencies.
>  * I had no mouse in console, so I had to install gpm.
> Now I'm able to run qpe, but:
>  * the mouse is quite unresponsive.
>  * the QtMoko calibration window appears,  but I'm not able to click and
> calibrate it... :
> Cannot open input device '/dev/tty0': Permission denied
> readFile failed /sys/bus/platform/devices/twl4030_usb/vbus : "No such
> file or directory"
> readFile failed /sys/class/power_supply/bq27000-battery/status : "No
> such file or directory"
> readFile failed /sys/class/power_supply/bq27000-battery/capacity : "No
> such file or directory"
> readFile failed /sys/class/power_supply/bq27000-battery/current_now :
> "No such file or directory"
> Any further suggestion?
> Thanks a lot,
>   Giacomo
> On 11/23/2012 06:11 PM, Giacomo 'giotti' Mariani wrote:
>> Hello Frode, Everyone,
>>     following http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=652038 ,
>> http://frontseed.com/entry/enable-frambeuffer-ubuntu-karmic-koala-using-grub2
>> and
>> http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Fix-the-Big-and-Ugly-Plymouth-Logo-in-Ubuntu-10-04-140810.shtml,
>> I've been able to enable the fb.
>> The most important steps, in my opinion, could be:
>>  * aptitude install  v86d
>>  * modprobe uvesafb
>> Soon I will try compiling and running QtMoko.
>> Cheers,
>>   Giacomo
>>> From: EdorFaus <edorfaus at xepher.net>
>>> Subject: Re: [QtMoko] Error compiling on wheezy
>>> [...]
>>>  > Indeed, I miss /dev/fb0. Where can i get it?
>>> Hm. No framebuffer device...
>>> My first thought would be to check if /dev is actually bind mounted 
>>> properly, so that the out-of-chroot udev in (B) would take care of 
>>> generating /dev/fb0 for both (B) and (C).
>>> I see that the script used to enter the chroot tries to take care of 
>>> that though, so it probably is (but it wouldn't hurt to check).
>>> One way to check would be to see if /dev/fb0 exists on (B) even though 
>>> it doesn't in (C).
>>> Assuming that's not the problem, my next thought is to check the 
>>> configuration of VirtualBox, checking that it is actually set up to 
>>> include a graphics card that Linux can run a graphical framebuffer on.
>>> If it is, I think the next thing to do is to check the dmesg of (B) (if 
>>> the output of "dmesg" is too short, it can probably be found in 
>>> /var/log/messages prefixed with "kernel:"), looking for anything to do 
>>> with framebuffers, to see if that tells you why (B) doesn't have one.
>>> If that doesn't give any clues either, well... then things are a bit 
>>> more complex. Maybe the right driver wasn't enabled when (B)'s kernel 
>>> was compiled, or something. Either way, probably harder to figure out 
>>> than we'd like. :/ So I hope something in the above helps.
>>>>> The same happens if I do it outside chroot (connecting with ssh -Y):
>>> Just a tiny note: the -Y is probably not necessary, as it just deals 
>>> with forwarding X11 connections - which are not in use here. It 
>>> shouldn't hurt, either, though - and should certainly not cause the 
>>> problem you're seeing.
>>> Regards,
>>> -Frode

giacomo 'giotti' mariani
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