need a (even broken) plastic case of a FR

Lukas Märdian lukasmaerdian at
Thu Feb 23 15:03:55 CET 2012

On 23.02.2012 13:23, Matthias Apitz wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd like to give away a model of a FR to some manufacture of leather
> cases for fitting and production of such a case; if someone has a
> totally broken FR, only the plastic case for the dimensions is needed,
> not the electronic parts, please contact me off-list; I live in Munich,
> Germany;
> thanks
> 	matthias


I'm currently designing a 3D printable case for the GTA04.
It isn't fully ready, yet. But you should be able to order a full
GTA01/02/04 case for approximately 40€ in a few weeks.

Please refer to the project site. It will be updated in the next few
days, once the next prototyes arrive:


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