OM as car navigation

Frank frank at
Mon Feb 27 19:27:09 CET 2012

Am 27.02.2012 17:21, schrieb Guilhem Bonnefille:
> Hi,
> Do you know what operating system was used by Frank Jaeger?

Hallo Guilhem,
  it's a QTmoko v38.

I startet with v35 and navit in QX-mode.

Now navit can be installed very confortable "as App" from
using the browser.

But navit didn't get the actual gps-position.
Also after upgrading to v37 and v39 and several attempts to configure 
the  gpsd-"vehicle" in
   /home/root/.navit/navit.xml   [1]

Finally I formatted my uSD-Card and unpacked a fresh QTmoko v38.
But this didn't help me, too.

Last weekend I started a new attemp and get navit to work!
I was so happy that i postet ist on and FB.

I don't really know, what the reason was.
I think it was a missing device in the gpsd-configuration.

Other GPS-Apps worked well - but not navit.
Maybe they use the gps-device without gpsd?

I had to run
$ dpkg-reconfigure gpsd
and set device to "/dev/ttySAV1"

Is gpsd for gta02 shipped with empty device-entry in .conf?




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