FOSDEM 2013, was: Re: [Gta04-owner] GTA04 in GTA01 case and LEDs

Boudewijn wankelwankel at
Mon Feb 4 22:30:56 CET 2013

On Sunday 03 February 2013 14:54:11 Christ van Willegen wrote:
> I was at Fosdem, and met Nikolaus Schaller, Boudewijn and Christoph
> Mair IRL. That was a lot of fun talking to them, and discussing the
> OpenPhoenux future!

Lukas was also manning the stand, maybe he was out at that moment. We had a 
great time and many enthusiastic reactions from passers by.

As you say: nice to meet everyone (again) in real life. Besides talking to 
passers by and co-listers, we've spoken with neighbouring projects/stands. 
OpenPandora is near in stand-distance, developer team and hardware used. 
Hackable Devices was there with the last Open Source Replicator-model, and 
just not came across printing us another case (he did last year). Speaking of 
which: the 3D printed cases got their share of attention as well, especially 
Radeks indestructable aluminum case.

OpenEmbedded was next to us on the other side; we spoke with Jolla/Sailfish 
people, someone from Firefox came over to show Firefox OS running and one of 
the guys from the KDE-stand came over to discuss Plasma Active on the Letux 
7004 tablet. I am quite sure I am still forgetting a few.

As far as the stand is concerned: I think we're getting more and more 
organized around it. For those visiting: what was your impression? Ideas for 
next conventions to improve the stand?

Best regards,

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