[QtMoko] MokoFaen theme update

francesco.devita at mailoo.org francesco.devita at mailoo.org
Tue Feb 5 19:46:40 CET 2013

I'm working on an update of MokoFaen theme. I'm trying to add a new icon 
for the keyboard in the context bar, please see [1], but I didn't find 
the location of the original icon to be replaced. I tried to look at 
some source code but without luck, can someone help me?
Please note that there is "keyboard.png" in /opt/qtmoko/pics/qpe but it 
is not the icon I'm looking for, it's only a similar one.
Thank you in advance.


[1] http://img203.imageshack.us/img203/2056/newcontextbar.png

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