GTA02 grave problems on high speed trains

Nick openmoko-community at
Wed Jul 24 13:41:09 CEST 2013

Well that is interesting.

I just took my GTA02 (with QtMoko v55) on its first proper train
journey last weekend, and it performed fine. This was a high speed
train in England, which I imagine is rather slower than continental
European trains.

To go through your list:

> - loss of phone functionalities

My phone definitely worked fine. At least it sent and received SMS -
I don't think I received calls on the journeys.

> - freezings
> - wakeup (after suspend) malfunctions

Neither of these happened to me (though as outlined on this list a
little while ago I do sometimes have issues with suspend).

> - mmcblk0 I/O errors (??)

AFAIK I didn't have any of these. Though I don't have a uSD card in
my phone (not sure if that's mmcblk0 or not).


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