GTA04A5 ready to be pre-ordered

thomasg thomas at
Wed Nov 13 22:46:28 CET 2013

On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 11:20 PM, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
<hns at> wrote:
> Am 08.11.2013 um 23:08 schrieb Michael Parchet:
> Hello,
> Sorry I found only GTA04A4  but not GTA04A5 with LTE for pre order and
> price.
> Why
> If you look at the date (22 janvier 2013), a long time has passed. We did
> start for preorders
> back then, but there wasn't enough response. So it was put on hold some
> weeks later.
> In the meantime the list cited below is still almost correct, but not
> everything.
> Now, we are *thinking* about restarting the project with *maybe* LTE
> (option).

Hi Nikolaus,

glad to hear that, I'd be really happy to see a new device that might
leave the exterior of the Neo's behind for something better.
A long time ago, people were interested in replacing the Calypso with
a Telit modem for future devices; as you might think about a new
platform, I wonder if the Telit modems might be considered, still?

The big difference to the Qualcomms is, that the user documentation is
much better, including a freely available full AT command reference
[2] and more. They have, for example, the new L910 [1] with LTE
support, and as they aren't used by most major phone makers, I'd
assume that they might be more reasonable in delivering smaller,
reasonably priced, batches.
It also includes GNSS (GPS, GLONASS) support (with documented AT
interface), and has VoLTE support (voice over LTE), which makes it
reasonably future-proof.
With an 28.2 * 28.2 * 2.2 mm (LGA 144) package it isn't exactly tiny,
but not that much larger than alternatives I think.
Their modules are all pin-compatible, so the NA and EU variants, as
well as 2G, 3G, 4G variants can be replaced without further changes.

An extra wish would be using a main SoC with ARM Mali graphics, so
free GPU drivers would be realistic (in contrast to all other options
it seems).
I'd certainly be in.


> Restarting means to think about all details - and decide if it is now a
> better time to
> do it. You know world economy has changed, attitudes for openness, freerom
> have
> changed and people are no longer following that much the top 2 brands.
> I.e. please wait for a new announcement.
> BR,
> Nikolaus
> Thanks for your answer
> Best regards
> mparchet
> Le mardi 22 janvier 2013, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller a écrit :
>> Hi all,
>> finally, the GTA04A5 batch is ready for production and we are open for
>> pre-orders through
>>         <>
>> What will be different to GTA04A4?
>> * the GPS receiver can provide a 1 second impulse interrupt to the CPU
>> * the infrared receiver can be independently powered off (it was
>> alternatively powered with RS232 before)
>> * some sensors have been upgraded to non-obsolete versions (e.g. BMA180 is
>> out of production)
>> * WLAN/BT power controlled through a GPIO (so that VAUX4 is now free for
>> other use)
>> * 6-pin ZIF connector for external keyboard or other I2C devices
>> * it is possible to use a new earpiece (from Knowles) so that we finally
>> can offer a complete case kit
>> * the GPS antenna switch has been redesigned
>> * improved headset detection hardware
>> * CPU will be always 1 GHz and Memory 512MB RAM / 1GB NAND
>> * UMTS module may have newer firmware inside (tbc.)
>> * there is a plan for a 3D printed case (approx. 50 EUR) with integrated
>> touch pen
>> * there will be 3D data (STEP) of the PCB and components so that you can
>> design your own case that fits with a micrometer precision :)
>> Preliminary (there may still come minor changes coming from PCB
>> Layout tuning and from first production feedback) schematics can be found
>> here:
>>         <>
>> -- hns
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