Fundraising for GTA04A5 has started!

thomasg thomas at
Fri Nov 22 18:22:40 CET 2013

On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 5:37 PM, Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller
<hns at> wrote:
> Am 22.11.2013 um 17:21 schrieb Lukas Märdian:
>> Am 22.11.2013 23:23, schrieb Dr. H. Nikolaus Schaller:
>>> Am 22.11.2013 um 15:46 schrieb Pascal Gosselin:
>>>> What about GPS specifications ?  My company would have interest in multiple units if the GPS chip was capable of 5Hz or greater updates.  Recent GPS chipsets all seem to have GPS/GLONASS capability, which is very nice to have.
>>> I think we can not easily change to use something different than the WSG0084 using a Sirf IV.
>>> Unfortunately, the latest datasheet still isn't telling anything about the max. update rate and any updates in the firmware:
>> On page 15 it says: "3: Defined as current drawn during continuous
>> operation at a 10Hz update rate." Could this be a hint, that the module
>> can actually operate at a max. update rate of 10Hz?
> Unfortunately no. I also stumbled over this sentence but I think they mean
> the update rate of the current probe, i.e. they did measuer the supply
> current 10 times per second.
>> Is there any GTA04 board, which already has a W2SG0084i installed?
> Yes, about 50 or 80 (I don't remember the exact figure) since the W2SG0004i
> was EOL and could easily be swapped. Unfortunately we don't have a mapping
> to serial numbers.
>> If
>> so, we could try to query/set the output rate according to chap. 5 "NMEA
>> Input Messages", using the message ID 103.
> That one unfortunately only allows to specify the reporting rate in
> multiples of 1 second, i.e. up to 255 seconds. But not 1/10 sec.
>> Also chap. 6.2 "OSP Input
>> Messages" look interesting, especially message 0x81.
>> Cheers,
>>  Lukas
> Maybe someone knows a good technical contact to Wi2Wi?
> I only have very indirect support though a distributor.

I don't think that will help you.
The interface is SiRF's protocol, not Wi2Wi's and no documentation
mentions of a mode above 1 Hz.
To my knowledge, no SiRF chipset has support for a faster rate (at
least in the frontend, internally, they might).
So for 5/10 Hz a u-blox would be needed (or a SkyTraq, which are
available up to 20 Hz).

> BR,
> Nikolaus
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