Crowdfunding an Ubuntu smartphone (right now)

joerg Reisenweber joerg at
Sat Oct 5 20:37:37 CEST 2013

on a sidenote: Was KDE no open source software when Qt wasn't FOSS (for those 
who still remember that time)?

In layout project files they might even be (C) non-free libraries for e.g. 
component footprints, which would *forbid* disclosing them to the general 
public. Is the hardware less open then? Should EE create their own footprint 
lib to be allowed to give the rest of the docs to the community, since without 
footprints in project file the whole project isn't open anymore?

I think sometimes it's pretty tedious to discuss hw subjects with people who 
come from a sw background. So I will stop contributing to this futile 
discussion now.

()  ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail     
/\   - against proprietary attachments
(alas the above page got scrapped due to resignation(!!), so here some 
supplementary links:)  (German)
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