Crowdfunding an Ubuntu smartphone (right now)

Maelvon HAWK maelvon.hawk at
Thu Oct 10 09:53:52 CEST 2013

# settrans rah at -f -R -S


The thread is very interesting, but it seems that's Bob will never 
change is point of view. Nicolas is open to discussion, and is also 
working on the Gta project, I don't think that Bob is ready to do one 
step forward before having all the spec, plans, pdfs, cad files in the 
format he want, and working on the projects, just telling is point of 
view by mail.

But before winning the "Godwin point" in this thread, perhaps the best 
solution is to organise a face to face meeting between Bob and Nikolaus 
to discuss. A mail thread is never a discussion, but the explanation of 
points of view.

Crownfunding a meeting between Bob and Nikolaus can be a solution?

Maelvon HAWK

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