TIFFS in vitro analyzer tool released
Giacomo 'giotti' Mariani
giacomomariani at yahoo.it
Wed Feb 5 15:32:28 CET 2014
Hi Michael,
> Because my sample size so far has been 1, I would like to know how the
> FFS content on other FR units differs from mine. I would appreciate it
> if you could do a mokoffs xtr on your FFS image, then do the same on
> the image from my FR (from my FTP site, URL posted earlier), and then
> let me know what diff -r between the two extracted trees shows.
Here we are:
# diff -r michael-ffs
Binary files michael-ffs/Test/Production.bin and
Binary files michael-ffs/gsm/cops/operimsi and my-ffs/gsm/cops/operimsi
Binary files michael-ffs/gsm/l3/rr_white_list and
diff -r michael-ffs/gsm/rf/afcdac
\ No newline at end of file
> ??
\ No newline at end of file
Binary files michael-ffs/gsm/rf/afcparams and my-ffs/gsm/rf/afcparams differ
Binary files michael-ffs/gsm/rf/rx/agcparams.900 and
my-ffs/gsm/rf/rx/agcparams.900 differ
Binary files michael-ffs/gsm/rf/rx/calchan.1800 and
my-ffs/gsm/rf/rx/calchan.1800 differ
Binary files michael-ffs/gsm/rf/rx/calchan.900 and
my-ffs/gsm/rf/rx/calchan.900 differ
Binary files michael-ffs/gsm/rf/tx/calchan.1800 and
my-ffs/gsm/rf/tx/calchan.1800 differ
Binary files michael-ffs/gsm/rf/tx/calchan.1900 and
my-ffs/gsm/rf/tx/calchan.1900 differ
Binary files michael-ffs/gsm/rf/tx/calchan.900 and
my-ffs/gsm/rf/tx/calchan.900 differ
Binary files michael-ffs/gsm/rf/tx/levels.1800 and
my-ffs/gsm/rf/tx/levels.1800 differ
Binary files michael-ffs/gsm/rf/tx/levels.1900 and
my-ffs/gsm/rf/tx/levels.1900 differ
Binary files michael-ffs/gsm/rf/tx/levels.900 and
my-ffs/gsm/rf/tx/levels.900 differ
Binary files michael-ffs/pcm/IMEI and my-ffs/pcm/IMEI differ
Binary files michael-ffs/pcm/IMSI and my-ffs/pcm/IMSI differ
Binary files michael-ffs/var/dbg/dar and my-ffs/var/dbg/dar differ
Glad to help. I hope this gives you some information :-)
Changing the subject, I wonder if the following makes sense: would it be
possible, through the GSM, to obtain (backup) ALL the content of the SIM
so to be able to "fake" the SIM at software level?
This would make the phone a pseudo-dualSIM: for example, owning two SIMs
(and their software backups) it should be possible to switch from one to
the other at software level.
What's your opinion?
Best regards,
giacomo 'giotti' mariani
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