QtMoko mail reader doesn't display multi-part messages
Adrien Dorsaz
adrien at adorsaz.ch
Wed Feb 19 17:39:41 CET 2014
Hi Neil,
It seems that the "mail->partCount()" function give me always '0' and so
it's never been able to display my mail.
Le mercredi 19 février 2014 à 15:10 +0000, Neil Jerram a écrit :
> Hi Adrien,
> Are you sure this is a storage problem, as opposed to a display problem?
> I've previously looked at some cases of failing to display multipart
> messages, and all the cases that I looked at were just display problems.
I've just checked by writing log of a github messages (github make
multipart-alternative mails with text/plain and text/html parts) and I
had always :
1. Messaging : Just instantiated message number 29515 with 0 parts
2. Messaging : This mail has 0 parts and his body data is :
3. Messaging : ""
4. Messaging : #### End of data ####
the number of parts is retrieved with "mail->partCount()" (on line 1 it
comes from the QMailStorage::message() function and on line 2 from the
Browser::displayHtml() function) and the body data on line 3 is found
with "mail->body().data()" at the begining of the displayHtml()
I think so the storage is good (I've checked the database and
corresponding raw files), but restoring QMailMessage from these stored
data doesn't seem to work and I didn't find where the raw files are
parsed to determine if the message has a body or if it is has
I've said that I thought that the reader code seemed good, because it
was never executed : we always check that partCount() is bigger than '0'
before displaying and I had always '0'.
Thanks for your help,
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