[QtMoko] new svg keyboard
Giacomo 'giotti' Mariani
giacomomariani at yahoo.it
Fri Feb 21 13:45:22 CET 2014
Ciao Joif,
your new keyboard is absolutely amazing, thanks a lot.
There is only one small problem: it does not work well with x11vnc: it
seems that the keys are not mapped or, in some case, not mapped correctly.
By the way, the remote keyboard in x11vnc works correctly with
Thanks a lot,
> Hello everybody
> I took advantage of the holidays and I made a new SVG keyboard, cute,
> only qwerty, not so finger friendly but nail&stylus friendly for sure.
> Why I did that?
> - no matter what, the Freerunner screen it is what it is (not so finger
> friendly)
> - no existing finger friendly keyboard suits my fingers
> - I only use qwerty
> - I wanted a better looking keyboard
> Screenshots here [1], here [2], here [3] and here [4].
> It is a replacement for the existing svgkbd, if you want to try it make
> sure to backup the contents in /opt/qtmoko/etc/im/svgkbd/ and then
> copy-past there the files in the archive [5] (don't wget it, it couldn't
> work with dropbox). Restart QtMoko and enjoy.
> For now the keyboard is designed for the italian language. If you're not
> able to DIY and want a help for a different character set, I could help
> on request.
> Happy holidays and happy new year!
> Joif
> [1] https://www.dropbox.com/sh/5d5v33v4va2j5z9/RDIsCK-WpG/svg1.png
> [2] https://www.dropbox.com/sh/5d5v33v4va2j5z9/W-V1dpphZe/svg2.png
> [3] https://www.dropbox.com/sh/5d5v33v4va2j5z9/0aVKRpdmc1/svg3.png
> [4] https://www.dropbox.com/sh/5d5v33v4va2j5z9/eUx_oAcuat/svg4.png
> [5] https://www.dropbox.com/sh/5d5v33v4va2j5z9/CY3sKbPjnP/svgkbd.tar.gz
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giacomo 'giotti' mariani
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