GSM frequency bands in the USA
Andrew Schenck
andrew at
Fri Feb 21 18:51:37 CET 2014
I can corroborate that report. Bought my FR from Belgium, so I presume
its the 900/1800/1900 version, but I haven't found any way to verify
that. It works fine in San Francisco, CA and Chicago and central
Illinois on Simplemobile (which uses T-Mobile's network).
On 2/21/2014 4:37 AM, Ed Kapitein wrote:
> Hi Nick,
> Thanks for the change in tone, for me it was more then welcome.
> I have been to the USA with my FR and had no problem whatsoever in
> connecting to the network, also the gprs worked just fine.
> I did bought a USA sim card on ebay, just to cut the costs.
> I traveled California, Nevada, Montanna, Sout Dakota and Colorado on the
> T-Mobile network.
> Kind regards,
> Ed
> On Fri, 2014-02-21 at 12:07 +0000, Nick wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> A change of tone for the list, for now.
>> I'm going to the USA soon, and would ideally like to use my GTA02
>> there. It is a European 900/1800/1900MHz version (I presume - I
>> bought it 2nd hand - is there an easy way to check?). Can I just use
>> any network in the USA, and it will just register with the 1900MHz
>> band and all just work? [0] implies that would work, but [1] implies
>> it may depend on the area of the USA, and I lack the knowledge to
>> readily figure it out.
>> Any clues?
>> Thanks,
>> Nick
>> 0.
>> 1.
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