gta02 pcb layout

joerg Reisenweber joerg at
Wed May 14 00:07:19 CEST 2014

On Tue 13 May 2014 23:49:13 mobi phil wrote:
> Hi,
> after years, was for "scientific" :) reasons wanted to give a new life to
> the gta02 I own. Opened it, and the usb connector was enough fragile. Tried
> to resolder it but the pcb couper line broke. Cannot see precisely to which
> resistor that line connected. So need a very good magnified photo or the
> pcb. Anybody can help?

together with component placement
should go a long way for this. Usually ti's just a question to find the right 
one of two ends of a 0402 resistor or capacitor. The other (wrong) end is 
usually connected to another similar 0402 component (or GND, or Vdd) so by 
testing for 4 conductance aka 0R connections from both ends of component A to 
both ends of component B you should be able to spot the "wrong end". The other 
one is the right end then, which you want to use to connect your bridging wire 

If you need more help, just holler.
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