[FSO] add QCT msm7* modem support

Michael 'Mickey' Lauer mickey at vanille-media.de
Tue Dec 23 17:57:53 CET 2008

Am Tuesday 23 December 2008 16:05:47 schrieb Michael 'Mickey' Lauer:
> Forwarding to smartphones-userland at linuxtogo.org [you had a missing 'm' in
> the address]...

> I encountered difficulties: In some situations the communication with
> the modem choked. Here's what I did:
> GetAntennaPower()
> true
> SetAntennaPower('false')
> GetAntennaPower()
> True
> SetAntennaPower('False')
> ...NoReply... connection choked here!!

Some modems shut down the interface if you send +CFUN=0. If that's the case 
for you, you need to override DeviceSetAntennaPower().

> GetFeatures()
> ...NoReply...
> gsmdevice.GetInfo()
> ...NoReply...

Either the interface has been shutdown or the parser has been seriously 
confused. Please post the debug logs.

> In the frameworkd log I can see that commands still arrived and were
> handled, but non could be sent somehow.  The same occured after
> invoking SetSimBuffersSms() (yes, with no parameter). Is it expected
> that the modem refuses to talk when it doesn't understand what you
> want?

This depends on the modem. We can't say for sure without debug logs.

> I've been wondering about gprs. It should be easy because the 7x0x
> modem seems to use it in the same way as you do on the calypso
> handsets: One AT channel (smd0) and one for use with gprs (smd1)
> gsmpdp.GetNetworkStatus()
> <'cid': '75E6', 'lac': '0641', 'registration': 'home'>
> gsmpdp.ActivateContect('web.vodafone.de','user','pass')
> AttributeError: 'QualcommMsm' object has no atribute 'dataOptions'

As mentioned on IRC before, add the dataOptions() method to your modem class 
and it might work OOTB.


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