idea for multiple choice question application

Minh Ha Duong haduong at
Tue Dec 30 11:41:08 CET 2008

Le mardi 30 décembre 2008, Anthony Clearn a écrit :
> Hi all, I am interested in researching hand held / mobile devices as an
> educational tool. As a freerunner user I am concentrating on it.
> My idea is for an input of A, B, C, D answers from a multiple choice
> question. The answers for each student would be recorded. This data could
> be used to automate reports, replace tests?, monitor learning, etc.
> It could have an impact on reducing teacher workload and making learning
> fun, allowing everyone in the class to be assessed.
> I have no experience in developing programs, so I would like some feedback
> on this application, please. There are other possible uses in the classroom
> but this is where I would like to begin.

There are lots of educational software in Linux, see e.g.

In you shoes, I would look for an existing Python application already packaged 
on Debian, the simplest possible, with a still active developper. Then you 
can focus on VGA and touchscreen issues.

Later on, you can try to port GCompris < >. 

Happy hacking,
Minh HA DUONG, Chargé de Recherche, CNRS
CIRED, Centre International de Recherches sur l'Environnement et le 

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