howto start developing for qtopia X11 ?
Jakob Kuczewski
jakob.kuczewski at
Wed Sep 10 14:38:41 CEST 2008
I'm a student of computer science and still have no idea about
developing an X-application or qtopia. But somewhere I have to start.
I've read through the qtopia devolopers guide and copied the qtopia git
repository mentioned there. I executed the needed commands but on the
configure-part I get the error message:
Testing for ALSA: FAIL
ERROR: You requested -sound_system=s but it was disabled.
make: *** [src/build/mkconf/configure] Fehler 2
(more about that see below)
I'm also not sure about how to develop. I'd really like to look at some
music player - I guess the qtopia musicplayer.
I read the eclipse-dev pages but I guess they are still for GTK?
I also looked at the SDK from qtopia - but there I didn't know how to
set the freerunner as bouncing and a virtual machine is somehow
unconvenient since I have a very small display.
Lot's of issues - please tell me what you think is the most confortable
way for developing qtopia with X11.
Thank you,
jakob at jakob-laptop:~/qtopia-build-dir$ ../qtopia/configure -prefix
$PWD/image -build-examples -no-drm -no-sxe -displaysize 480x640 -dbus
-device ficgta01 -launch-method normal
Configuring Qtopia (expanded commandline):
-prefix /home/jakob/qtopia-build-dir/image -build-examples -no-drm
-displaysize 480x640 -dbus -using-device ficgta01 -edition phone
480x640 -no-drm -no-sxe -no-bluetooth -no-infrared -sound-system alsa
-mediaengines gstreamer -no-samples -launch-method normal -mkconf -make
/usr/bin/make -no-save-options -make /usr/bin/make -using-mkconf
This is the Qtopia Phone/Platform Open Source Edition.
You are licensed to use this software under the terms of the GPL.
Please see the file LICENSE.GPL for the licensing terms.
Type 'yes' to accept this license offer.
Type 'no' to decline this license offer.
Do you accept this license agreement? yes
Qtopia is using the following locations:
Qt SOURCE tree = /home/jakob/qtopia/qtopiacore/qt
Qt BUILD tree = /home/jakob/qtopia-build-dir/qtopiacore/host
Qtopia Core SOURCE tree = /home/jakob/qtopia/qtopiacore/qt
Qtopia Core BUILD tree = /home/jakob/qtopia-build-dir/qtopiacore/target
Qtopia SOURCE tree = /home/jakob/qtopia
Qtopia BUILD tree = /home/jakob/qtopia-build-dir
Checking the compiler (host): OK (GCC 4, Little Endian)
Checking the compiler (target): OK (GCC 4, Little Endian)
Configuring Qt (host)
configure -platform linux-g++ -no-stl -no-exceptions -fast -D
QTOPIA_NO_ICONV_OPEN_ERRORS -confirm-license -no-sql-ibase -no-sql-mysql
-no-sql-odbc -no-sql-psql -no-sql-sqlite -no-sql-sqlite2 -qt-sql-sqlite
-no-qdbus -no-openssl
-prefix /home/jakob/qtopia-build-dir/qtopiacore/host
-release -qt-gif -no-separate-debug-info
Setting up the include directory for Qt (host). Please wait...
Cleaning your Qt (host) build tree. Please wait...
Preparing build tree...
You are licensed to use this software under the terms of either
the Q Public License (QPL) or the GNU General Public License (GPL)
versions 2 or 3
Creating qmake. Please wait...
Build type: linux-g++
Architecture: x86_64
Build ............... libs tools examples demos
Configuration ....... release shared dll largefile precompile_header
mmx 3dnow sse sse2 qt3support accessibility opengl minimal-config
small-config medium-config large-config full-config reduce_exports ipv6
clock-monotonic mremap getaddrinfo ipv6ifname getifaddrs inotify
system-jpeg system-mng system-png png gif system-freetype system-zlib
nis cups iconv glib x11sm xshape xinerama xcursor xfixes xrandr xrender
fontconfig tablet xkb release
Debug ............... no
Qt 3 compatibility .. yes
QtDBus module ....... no
STL support ......... no
PCH support ......... yes
MMX/3DNOW/SSE/SSE2.. yes/yes/yes/yes
IPv6 support ........ yes
IPv6 ifname support . yes
getaddrinfo support . yes
getifaddrs support .. yes
Accessibility ....... yes
NIS support ......... yes
CUPS support ........ yes
Iconv support ....... yes
Glib support ........ yes
Large File support .. yes
GIF support ......... yes
TIFF support ........ plugin (qt)
JPEG support ........ plugin (system)
PNG support ......... yes (system)
MNG support ......... plugin (system)
zlib support ........ system
OpenGL support ...... yes
NAS sound support ... no
Session management .. yes
XShape support ...... yes
Xinerama support .... yes
Xcursor support ..... yes
Xfixes support ...... yes
Xrandr support ...... yes
Xrender support ..... yes
FontConfig support .. yes
XKB Support ......... yes
immodule support .... yes
SQLite support ...... qt (qt)
OpenSSL support ..... no
Finding project files. Please wait...
147 projects found.
Creating makefiles. Please wait...
Qt (host) is configured
Testing for qmake behaviors: QUOTE_IS_ESCAPE_EXPAND
Testing for ALSA: FAIL
ERROR: You requested -sound_system=s but it was disabled.
make: *** [src/build/mkconf/configure] Fehler 2
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