Exposure in paroli? [was: Re: Exposure]

c_c cchandel at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 14 02:10:10 CET 2009

  Well, I've been thinking about what we would need on a comprehensive
settings utility and here's what I've come up with:-
Brightness - busy/idle/answering call ->adj brightness at any time even when
i can't see anything on the screen
CPU Freq Scaling (eventually)
Times - Idle,Lock,Suspend

Radios - GPS,WiFi,GSM,Bluetooth,All Radios - Airplane Mode,status -
connected or not/characteristics of connection

Select Profile
Edit Profile
Ringtones - Call, Message, Volumes
Vibration - on/off,Method

Rule Editor - Dropdowns of Triggers->filters->actions
eg Bind Button Presses
Hold Aux Button 3 secs to Lock screen
Press Aux button to toggle brightness setttings (3 levels)
In call Press Aux button to adjust volume (5 levels)

Clock - Time/Date/TimeZone

System Info
mem used
average load
most resources used by processes

  This is a pretty rough list. And I would welcome comments on anything else
that I'm missing out. In addition, I think we should get a little clearer
about the UI (which is a very important thing in my opinion). I'm currently
thinking of a UI similar to the original Openmoko exposure ie a list like

Rule Editor
System Info

Clicking on any one slides out a screen from the right that has further
options. Does anyone have better/more ideas?

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