Future of location services on OM

Nick realtimeblog at gmail.com
Sun Jan 25 12:32:14 CET 2009

Sorry for this very late answer.

It seems for me a good first approach.

In a first step, what about the following:

*** Location.Openbmap.SyncDB(mcc, mnc)  should download a sql file (or 
other?) corresponding to the country code and the network code provided
ie: http://www.openbmap.org/sql/$mcc_$mnc.tar.gz
*** Location.Openbmap.Upload() should upload new data (the same way as 
it will be done by Onen in his openBmap client)
*** Location.Openbmap.EnableLogging(b) should enable/disable logging

Fyi, I today calculate the approximate sizes in meters of the mnc, lac 
or cell zones. why not use this for accuracy ?


>> db you like) we register a mapping function for:
>>         [gsm] -> [lat, lon, alt, accuracy]
>> And maybe you want to provide some openbmap specific methods:
>>   Location.Openbmap.EnableLogging(b)
>>   Location.Openbmap.SyncDB()
>>   Location.Openbmap.Upload()
> What do the openBmap guys are thinking about this? This sounds to me like a good
> aaproach and handles the tasks we discussed earlier in this thread.

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