e-libs version numbering

Klaus 'mrmoku' Kurzmann mok at mnet-online.de
Wed Jun 24 09:57:43 CEST 2009

Am Mittwoch 24 Juni 2009 09:35:07 schrieb c_c:
> Hi,
>   I've been developing a few applications (e-tasks, launcher, intone and
> guitartune) most of which depend on elementary. Unfortunately, over the
> past few months, there have been a number of name changes that have led to
> some apps not running under certain distributions - increasing my time
> spent on maintaining differing toolchains for each distribution.
>   From what I know, SHR, FSO and OM distributions use illume and
> elementary. Would it be too much to ask for if there could be some
> consensus on the names for these libraries? Also, it would be useful if
> there was a wiki page (maybe) that clarifies this naming scheme.
>   Currently, SHR has **ver-svn-02.so.0 while OM has **ver-pre-svn-01.so.0
> as library name suffix. Is one moving towards the other? Are we eventually
> going to end up with the same names - or are these going to be different?
> Can anyone clarify?
It is not that *we* are renaming those libs... It is getting done upstream 
(enlightenment) and there is not much we can do about that.

Right now SHR is using a newer version of enlightenment as OM is using. That's 
where the difference comes from. And this game will continue until 
enlightenment people decide otherwise :(

Btw. IMHO you should not care about building packages for SHR or OM. We both 
will happily add all wanted packages to our feed...

Btw. current intone does not build from SVN... it has some problems with 
id3lib. Could you please fix that :)


Klaus 'mrmoku' Kurzmann

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